In the job hunt world, timing is everything! When an open position is posted or when you hear about a new job from a colleague or friend of a friend, think in minutes versus days regarding your response time. If you spot a great opportunity and you believe you are qualified, don’t sleep or sit on it.
Why Use ACTION Recruiting
ACTION Recruiting delivers the best talent available for each and every search. From techs to the C-suite, we aim high.
Working Remotely in the Motorsports Industry
It’s a fresh new year and I’m hearing from an increased number of colleagues—inside and outside of the motorcycle industry—who are interested in making a career move. More than half of them are specifically looking for a virtual work-from-home/office position. I can’t blame them.
Get the Promotion and Salary You Deserve, Part 2
There are a half dozen factors that go into determining your professional worth at any given point in your career. For most of us, the number starts low and ideally, grows exponentially throughout your career.
Get the Promotion and Salary You Deserve
Negotiating is a learned skill that can be refined over time. The best negotiators have an inherent ability to insulate themselves from the natural emotions most of us feel during a salary negotiation.
Mentorships and Role Models in the Motorcycle Industry and Beyond
Being a role model or mentor to others goes well beyond the office. Was there someone who helped you get into motorcycling? Growing your career is much like developing your riding skills—it’s easier when you have help.
Nailing the Job Interview
Far too many career opportunities are lost during the interview process. Here are key ingredients needed to make a positive impact during this uber-important process.
Top 10 Cover Letter Tips & Tricks
Cover letters can be extremely effective, and for some roles, required. The key is to create an exceptional cover letter.
Career Transformations
“I love motorcycles! How do I get a job in the motorcycle industry?”
The Secret Sauce: Strategic Job Search from A to Z
If you are interested in making a small change or want to orchestrate a complete career 180, I hope my tips for a successful job search give you some insight on how to get there.